Friday, December 7, 2012

Alternate World

This is my Alternate World Project.  I was inspired by the look of the 1950's, and thought to blend it with the technology of today would make for an interesting scene.  I added a picture of my car, because I am proud to own it and it also new, making it a new technology.  I added a picture of Miley Cyrus carrying an iPad because it shows the change in the times.  I added banners for Apple and Starbucks, because I just recently got my iPhone and I am in love with it.  I also really enjoy Starbucks. I also added a billboard of Sephora because I love the way they set up their store so that you literally cant miss a thing.  I also added a sattelite in the sky because we wouldn't be the world we are today without them, and they are essential to every day life.  I chose to add all of these things to the picture as well because they were all invented after the 1950's.  I am proud of the way I edited the banners and billboards and I really like how it is all black and white.  I could improve on my shadows and i probably could have found a better background in a normal color and just made that image black and white instead of searching for a black and white image already. But overall, I am really happy with how the whole project came out.